All kids need opportunity and belonging to succeed.

Yet discriminatory practices in Special Education placement and school discipline are excluding students of colorā€”especially African American childrenā€”from Minnesota classrooms at an alarming rate.

Join us to build racial justice in MN classrooms and support all students for success.

All kids need opportunity and belonging to succeed.

Yet discriminatory practices in Special Education placement and school discipline are excluding students of colorā€”especially African American childrenā€”from Minnesota classrooms at an alarming rate.

Join us to build racial justice in MN classrooms and support all students for success.

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Steps you can take to advocate for your child.
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How race dictates fate in Minnesota schools

Click to learn about discriminatory practices in:

Dis/ability has become a
sanctioned form of segregation

The numbers are staggering and the disparity is clear: In Minnesota schools, students of color are more likely to be placed in special education classrooms and restrictive settings than their white counterparts.

American Indian students are more than X times more likely to be identified with a disability than their peers.

Select answer below:

American Indian students are more than 4 times more likely to be identified with a disability than their peers.

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Source: 2015-2016 Minnesota Department of Education Disciplinary Incident Reporting System (DIRS) data
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Black students are more than X times more likely to be placed in restrictive special education.

Select answer below:

Black students are more than 6 times more likely to be placed in restrictive special education.

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Source: 2015-2016 Minnesota Department of Education Disciplinary Incident Reporting System (DIRS) data
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9% of students are Hispanic and Latinx, but they make up about X% of students in special education.

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Hispanic and Latinx students make up about 15% of students in special education.

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Source: 2015-2016 Minnesota Department of Education Disciplinary Incident Reporting System (DIRS) data
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68% of students are white, but they make up only X% of the students in special education.

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White students make up about 12% of students in special education.

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Source: 2015-2016 Minnesota Department of Education Disciplinary Incident Reporting System (DIRS) data
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"The lighter the skin,
the lighter the discipline"

Suspensions and expulsions disproportionately affect students of color in Minnesota schools. When punishment varies widely by race, as it does in our state, the achievement differences between students of color and white students can be partially explained by their likelihood to experience exclusionary discipline.

Black students are X times more likely than white students to be expelled or suspended.

Select answer below:

Black students are 8 times more likely than white students to be expelled or suspended.

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Source: 2015-2016 Minnesota Department of Education Disciplinary Incident Reporting System (DIRS) data
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Black/African American, non-Hispanic students constitute 10% of the Minnesota student population. Yet, they make up X% of disciplinary incidents.

Select answer below:

Black/African American, non-Hispanic students make up 42% of disciplinary incidents.

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Source: 2015-2016 Minnesota Department of Education Disciplinary Incident Reporting System (DIRS) data
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American-Indian students were x times more likely to be suspended or expelled than white peers.

Select answer below:

American-Indian students were 10 times more likely to be suspended or expelled than white peers.

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Source: 2015-2016 Minnesota Department of Education Disciplinary Incident Reporting System (DIRS) data
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White, non-Hispanic students constitute 69% of the Minnesota student population, but they only accounted for X% of disciplinary incidents.

Select answer below:

White, non-Hispanic students accounted for 38% of disciplinary incidents.

Learn about the Solution
Source: 2015-2016 Minnesota Department of Education Disciplinary Incident Reporting System (DIRS) data
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Get Informed.

Implicit bias and racist practices in Minnesota schools are excluding students from the classroom at an alarming rateā€”and they're funneling students into a criminal justice system where they are locked out of opportunities to build the future they deserve.

Join the movement.

Weā€™re gathering stories of equity heroes who are advocating for students and demanding change in their schools, districts, and communities. Share you story on Twitter or Facebook with hashtag #EndDisciplineDisparitiesMN and help us build race equity in all Minnesota schools.

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