A racially equitable education system is one where students see themselves reflected in others. When educators reflect their communities, students have more opportunities to grow, thrive, and connect.

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Current Projects


Elevating the Teaching Profession with ImprintU.Org

ImprintU.org is more than a website—it’s a movement to elevate the teaching profession, change the public narrative about teaching, and attract more change makers and nation builders to the profession, especially with communities of color and American Indian communities.

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Strategy Mapping to connect statewide initiatives

Strategy Mapping provides a “structure for fulfillment” by visually connecting and leveraging the many initiatives among colleges, schools, and organizations driving efforts to create and retain a racially diverse teacher workforce.

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Illuminating New Insights for Diversifying the Teacher Workforce

MnEEP collaborated with a team of graduate students at University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs to conduct research and produce The Tale of Two States: How Policy and Funding Affect Efforts to Diversify the Teaching Corps in Oregon and Minnesota.

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